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Islam wants to bring up the power of conscience in man’s soul in precedence of the power of state and to develop the virtue of personal responsibility; to became a guardian to judge oneself and know that one is responsible on the resurrection day far what almighty Allah has granted. Everyone is responsible for the property he owns. And from where did he gain it and how did he use it? Man is also responsible for the knowledge he acquires and the capabilities to which it is applied before Almighty Allah and how they are employed. Did he use them for his own personal benefits or far the general benefit of society? Did he exploit them far corrupt and destructive practices, and for boosting only himself and his worldly interests? Man is responsible far his mentality and intelligence which almighty Allah gave him and how they are put to use. And if they were misdirected in deviated ways, deceiving others or corrected in the way of guidance and edification of soul and its reformation. He is also responsible for the strength that Allah gave him and to what purpose did it gain. Was it spent in wasteful disobedience and being aggressive? Or was it used towards goodness and following the right way? Man is also responsible for the power, position and social rank which Allah gave him and whether they were misused for suppression, creating terrorism, and seeking predominance to obtain personal gain over others? Or was it constructively put to use for social development in the way of Allah, the Almighty? Consequently, man will be questioned for the tongue which almighty Allah gave him and how did he use its talents. Did he use it for uttering the word of goodness, reformation and benefitting social progress? Or did he use it for cheating, backbiting, lying, and insulting others? Similarly, he will be questioned for the. eyes which Allah gave him and for what purpose were they put. Did he use them for reading knowledgeable books and respecting almighty Allah’s greatness? Or did he use them for looking at what almighty Allah has forbidden and prohibited? He will also be questioned on almighty Allah’s gift of ears and was the sense of hearing used only for listening to gossip, empty words, indecency and wasteful entertainment? Or were they directed at hearing the word of guidance, educative and fruitful debates? an Islamic state has the right to interfere in the individual, social and economic affairs in order to achieve an equitable society. It also has the right to charge and restrict man’s actions which contradict the general interest.
Islam educates man through connecting him with almighty Allah, the creator of this existence in order to make him feel self-responsible and raise within himself the power of inner consciousness and sensibility.
In case of emergency, it also has the right to prevent the forbidden behaviour and act against whoever abandons his obligations by forcing him to carry them out even to the extent if such obligations oppose his personal interests. An Islamic state has also the right to impose certain duties upon man or make him work in a special field, to punish him in the case of killing another, of drinking alcohol, of cheating or manipulating prices and misleading commercial markets. The individual has no right to behave or do anything without responsibility. He must feel that he is responsible both in front of almighty Allah and the legislative state. Through carrying our responsibilities, based upon Islamic laws and values which organize personal duties to regulate behaviour, a society can be established to keep an equilibrium, where security, social peace and economic welfare are preserved. Without these responsibilities, life turns into chaos and anarchy, the role of justice and law disappears, and society becomes a tyrannical one. Islam organizes responsibility by making every one responsible both for himself and others, therefore, a shepherd is responsible for his flocks, a father for his children and a governor for his subjects. Life can’t be organized without responsibility. Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S) explains that Muslion one hand are responsible before those who take responsibilities, while on the other hand, they (who take responsibilities) themselves are also responsible before their leader (Imam) who himself is also responsible before Allah both for the Musliand those who take the responsibilities.In effect, Islam makes an Islamic state be responsible in front of Muslims, while it gives Muslithe right to supervise and advise such a state. Islam refuses and stands against the spirit of dependence by making all responsible for the shortcomings in any action, which has a cooperative mode of necessary obligations. So, in fulfilling necessary obligation, there is a cooperative duty for which one is not directly responsible for actions performed by others but which all have some responsibility and will be questioned for it. Therefore, it is not permitted for individuals to depend upon others to carry out tasks and actions which have a cooperative nature, like bidding for what is right and forbidding what is wrong. For instance, if it so happens that some apologize and excuse themselves for being unable to perform certain functions and stand against corruption and crime, in that case, responsibility will be directed at those who sit and withdraw themselves, neglecting their cooperative duty and not participating in safeguarding Islam as a belief and as a right path for life. Islam educates man through connecting him with almighty Allah, the creator of this existence in order to make him feel self-responsible and raise within himself the power of inner consciousness and sensibility.